On March 6, 2023 plaintiff JANELYS HERNANDEZ filed an action in New York against defendant SAFAVIEH, INC alleging that defendant’s website safavieh.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 6, 2023 plaintiff JANELYS HERNANDEZ filed an action in New York against defendant SAFAVIEH, INC alleging that defendant’s website safavieh.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 6, 2023 plaintiff JENNY HWANG filed an action in New York against defendant S. FELDMAN HOUSEWARES, INC alleging that defendant’s website sfeldmanhousewares.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 3, 2023 plaintiff LUIS TORO filed an action in New York against defendant HAT WORLD, INC alleging that defendant’s website buckeyecorner.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 3, 2023 plaintiff LUIS TORO filed an action in New York against defendant CORNHOLE WORLDWIDE, LLC alleging that defendant’s website cornholeworldwide.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 3, 2023 plaintiff ROBERTA FELIZ filed an action in New York against defendant CURIE BRANDS, INC alleging that defendant’s website curiebod.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 3, 2023 plaintiff SHIVAN BASSAW filed an action in New York against defendant THE NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP, LLC alleging that defendant’s website horchow.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 2, 2023 plaintiff JASMINE TORO filed an action in New York against defendant LEROUX ASSOCIATED STORES MA, INC alleging that defendant’s website lerouxkitchen.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 2, 2023 plaintiff ANDREW TORO filed an action in New York against defendant WORLD RUGBY SHOP, LLC alleging that defendant’s website worldrugbyshop.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 1, 2023 plaintiff ILIANA LOPEZ filed an action in New York against defendant PARTYMAKERS FLOWERS AND BALLOONS, INC alleging that defendant’s website partymakersgreenville.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 1, 2023 plaintiff JAHRON BLACK filed an action in New York against defendant SAM ASH MUSIC CORPORATION alleging that defendant’s website samash.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.