On March 27, 2023 plaintiff JAMES MURPHY filed an action in New York against defendant TRINE UNIVERSITY, INC alleging that defendant’s website trine.edu was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 27, 2023 plaintiff JAMES MURPHY filed an action in New York against defendant TRINE UNIVERSITY, INC alleging that defendant’s website trine.edu was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On March 27, 2023 plaintiff JAMES MURPHY filed an action in New York against defendant WESTERN GOVERNORS UNIVERSITY alleging that defendant’s website wgu.edu was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On February 10, 2023 plaintiff LINDA SLADE filed an action in New York against defendant NAOMI WHITTEL BRANDS LLC alleging that defendant’s website naomiw.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On February 9, 2023 plaintiff BRAULIO THORNE filed an action in New York against defendant SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY alleging that defendant’s website scu.edu was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On February 9, 2023 plaintiff BRAULIO THORNE filed an action in New York against defendant MOUNT ST. MARY’S SEMINARY, INC alleging that defendant’s website msmary.edu was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On February 8, 2023 plaintiff ANDREW TORO filed an action in New York against defendant KAGAN PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT, INC alleging that defendant’s website kaganonline.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On February 6, 2023 plaintiff BRAULIO THORNE filed an action in New York against defendant UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON alleging that defendant’s website udayton.edu was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On February 6, 2023 plaintiff BRAULIO THORNE filed an action in New York against defendant UNIVERSITY OF DETROIT MERCY alleging that defendant’s website udmercy.edu was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On February 1, 2023 plaintiff BRAULIO THORNE filed an action in New York against defendant LINDENWOOD UNIVERSITY alleging that defendant’s website lindenwoodlions.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.
On February 1, 2023 plaintiff BRAULIO THORNE filed an action in New York against defendant MERRIMACK COLLEGE alleging that defendant’s website merrimackathletics.com was not accessible to persons with disabilities.